Thursday, December 20, 2007

Old is gold... Or is it?

I've heard plenty of people say that any pair of jeans that look "too new" are not the "in" thing. Faded jeans are "in"! I don't know if I have ever bothered that jeans look particularly "new"... especially when they are fresh from the shop. In fact, I would find it disturbing (and consider it an utter waste of money) if it looked worn out! I remember walking into a shop years and years ago where a particular brand of jeans classified their ware not by the cut of the jeans, but by their "age". There were 1 year worn out which looked sorta new but not totally new. There were the 5 years worn which looked like what your favourite pair of jeans would look like after wearing them for a few years. And then there were the 10 year worn jeans which looked worthy enough to be dumped in the bin. Remember those cowboy movies where the bad guys tie the hero by his wrists and drag him as they ride along on their horses? These jeans looked like what the jeans of the hero would have looked like after such a treatment! I didn't buy jeans from that company. I was naive and I actually stood in front of the jeans wondering whether they were actually worn by someone for that many years or they were new, but made to look that way :P

I do have a pair of jeans that look worn out but I rarely wear that. Not because I don't like the worn out look. The fitting is bad. (I would wear it otherwise... really!)Besides the worn out look goes well only with certain tops. Otherwise it looks plain weird. Can't wear that with kurtas!

So I concluded that jeans that looked "too new" didn't bother me much.

I went to shop for jeans last weekend to my favourite shop which has given me the best fitting by far. Usually I wander into a shop without anything particular in mind. But this time I knew I desperately needed a good pair of light blue jeans because my exsisting pair is getting too old (supposedly more fashionable :P) and too short for me. I told the salesperson exactly what I wanted. Blue jeans with my kind of fitting! He handed me a pair of jeans. Not light blue. Some sort of a dirty blue and looking worn out (it was torn near the pockets!). I told him I wanted blue. He told me to just try this pair on to check the fitting while he looked for the colour I asked for. Seemed fair enough. So I tried them on. Perfect fitting! :D (ahem... and they actually looked quite nice... that dirty shade and all... looked pretty good :P)

He found the colour I was looking for. Perfect fitting there too! I bought it straight away!

Two days later...

I open my wardrobe. My new pair of jeans.. sitting there... waiting to be worn...

I think to myself...

Gosh... these jeans look "too new"! I need to give them to the washer woman before I wear them! Or maybe I should have settled for the first worn out pair that he gave me.


Sheesh! :|


Anusha said...

No no no! Don't fall for the trend and go for the worn out pairs! Old may be gold, but not when we're talking about clothes! :P

The best way to "wear clothes out"? Wear them! :P Can't wait to see your new jeans! :D

soleil said...

Haha! Worn out jeans are fashionable but I prefer darker-coloured jeans and I also prefer to wear them out myself :p I have this pair of jeans that I've literally worn for years and I still love them though they're beginning to look a little worn out haha! The irony!