Monday, August 10, 2009

Fashionably geeky

Its been the oddest month for me. I have had to do so much of shopping in preparation for starting a new life in a new country. I am a firm believer of the whole "travel light" thingy. But this time, it seems like there is no way I can stick to that! Well, I could have... but suddenly I decided to have a complete wardrobe makeover.

So shopping has been a new experience for me. My definition of "tops" are no longer limited to round neck and polo neck t-shirts. In fact, this time I bought only one or two of those. I suddenly find myself drawn towards the girly stuff in the stores... much to my surprise! My earring collection has gone from 0 to 10 in just one week (I went on a earring shopping spree this weekend! Bought at least five there!). I rediscovered earrings that were gifted to me by clueless in my second year and also some that I had bought for myself in malaysia. I have more than one pair of shoes now and one of them has a significant amount of heel. Even my reeboks are girly with a purple streak here and there. In short, "machogirl" might not quite describe me completely anymore.

In this complete makeover, I have also taken notice of stuff on TV. Somehow, whenever the advertisement for lip gloss, hair oil, conditioners, face creams etc etc are aired, I noticed that these career women are never ever scientists. They may be successful TV anchors, or fashion designers, or business women (who by the way, dont seem to do anything other than wear pretty formals and shake their boss' hand) but they never show a glamourous woman in a labcoat or something with her face so radiant and her hair so silky running around in lab. Somehow, all the girls who are either aspiring to be scientist or who already are scientists come in health drink ads!

Why is that? Can't I be fashionable and still be a scientist? Does that make me an anomaly?

Just a random, shallow thought from a geeky nerd who is learning the ways of dressing well :P (and totally loving it!)


doublehead said...

Lady scientists, doctors can be very fashionable as you will soon see in your new environment. They are not only fashinable, they also drive the most fashionable cars ,SUVs and trucks. There is no anomaly to be a scientist and yet be a fashionable person.

S said...

offcourse they can! u can be the most chic looking scientist ever :D
and u are loving all thigns girly ? lol from the boy cut boys playing Captain Vonn Trap's boys, we've come a long way huh?
which reminds me.. when are we meeting babe? CALLL!

Vaz said...

it is good to read abt smone u dont know and follow their blog and it is a thrill i would say , i guess i am many bloggers love that i do like best wishes !

soleil said...

LOL! That's cos scientists have to adhere to lab safety i.e. hair tied up, covered shoes, no touching up of make-up in lab AND all the pretty clothes are buried beneath the white lab coats! :p

We should design more flattering lab coats for the ladies. We'll make big bucks!

Anusha said...

Haha, I was JUST about to say what Soleil already said ... if we had advertisements about scientists running around in lab with their long silky hair flying around behind them, I'm sure somebody (maybe even us!) would call foul. Hee. But you're right, there's nothing wrong with a scientist looking as fab as the next business person out there. In fact, there is more need for scientists to go beyond clothes to look good, considering how drab lab coats can look! Or, you know, like Soleil suggested, you can just design fashionable lab coats. It's a good idea!