Thursday, March 04, 2010

Yay Ph.D!!!! :D

It was totally worth the struggle.

MG has crossed a new milestone in her career and finally joined a lab for Ph.D!!!!

I had to fight for this spot, it was not easy.... I was shifting from biochemistry and going completely over to the super awesome field of neuroscience. And my second rotation was my intro into the field. Its also the best lab ever!!!

Unfortunately after second rotation, I got to hear that she might not have enough funding to take me on. She recommended that I look for another lab for rotation that could potentially be a new home for my grad school while she sorted out her finances. If she could fund me then great, if not, I'd still have my third rotation lab in the same department to go on with.

There is no other lab in this world that I have wanted to join so badly. No other field of research that I was so keen on. And till just a few hours ago, I thought it was out of my reach.

After a long and tiring battle, I am proud to announce that I emerged successful!

I now have an offer from the lab of my preference!!!! :D :D :D The ball is in my court, finally!

If I had just joined a lab without this struggle, I doubt the victory would not have been as sweet as this. So even though I grumbled, I can say now that I am grateful I had tough competition for the vacancy. I've never been so satisfied before.

YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Here's to a career in answering all of the difficult questions that our very own brains have to offer to us! :) Let's hear it for neuroscience!!!

Woohoooo!!! :D : D :D *bounces around the room... boing boing boing!!!*

P.S.: Missing my parents and my best buddy, clueless, today!!! Without you people, I wouldn't be where I am. Thank you for always believing the best in me and pushing me ahead in my life :) :) You rock my world! :D \m/


Suryasach said...

Awesome ! Congratulations.

So is the noble prize near ?

doublehead said...

Congratulations to you. I could n't be more happy for you than I am now. You rock girl. Keep up the good work. I guess the hard work begins now. But I am sure and confident that you will accomplish more than what is expected of you. Enjoy the moment and then get on with the work. Congrats again, :) I would like a treat from you with your hard earned money for the hard earned Ph.D Lab.

Sanket said...

Congrats :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Congrats! Good for you!

simplime said...

awesome enthusiasm!! but don let it die so soon!!!