Thursday, June 25, 2009

In memory of his music...

I usually don't get up before 10am during vacation. But surprisingly, for the past one week, I have been waking up at 6am each day! Today was no different. And as soon as I woke up, I did what I usually do, check email to see if my new grad school has written to me. As I opened my browser, I saw the shocking news splashed all over my home page!

"King of Pop" Michael Jackson dies at 50.

I know that Michael Jackson has been better known for his controversies off late. But to be honest, I never really read the tabloids or even cared about the news seeping in about him through the years. I have loved Michael Jackson for the music that he has given to the world and I look at him as an exceptionally talented musician. Michael Jackson holds a special place in my life as far as music is concerned.

When I was a little kid, dad had gone to Germany for a few months on a sabbatical. And when he came back, he brought along with him a bunch of music CDs that caught his fancy. One of them, or rather two of them (it came as a 2-CD pack) were the greatest hits of Michael Jackson, a compilation album called "History". Those CDs were how I was introduced to the world of western music. Till then my music-life revolved solely around bollywood. Since then, my english playlist has expanded beyond recognition!

But I'll always remember that compilation album. I can forget the classic "Heal the world" that was featured ever so often in our annual days as a save-the-world message performance! Of course there is the all time favourite "Thriller". As a kid, I used to be scared to listen to that song when I was alone at home because of the scary narration... "darkness falls across the land... the midnight hour is close at hand... creatures crawl in the search of blood... to terrorize your neighbourhood!" But all through, I have always loved his songs. Ever heard him sing as a young kid as a part of the Jackson 5? You should listen to him singing "Blame it on the boogie". I just have to mention his song "cry" because my dearest friend has a soft spot for that song :)

I could keep listing all the songs of his that I love, but that list would be far too long. So let me conclude this post instead with the song that I love the most that he had sung. Its one of my most favourite songs and it has always been like that. I had even mentioned in back in my first year here in my blog!

Michael Jackson truly earned his place as the King of Pop out of sheer talent, the Elvis Presley of our age. He had begun his life as a performer when he was just five years old. He bridged the gap between the black and the white communities with his talent in music. He was the first black star of MTV and steadily climbed the ladder of fame and success. It is true that his life might have spun a bit out of control towards his final years. But its truly worth remembering him for his gift as a singer, dancer and performer.

Michael Jackson, no matter what the world says, to me you'll always be the artist who introduced me to a whole new world of music and in that process, you gave me a song that I have fallen hopelessly in love with, and from which I have always derived great comfort. It doesn't really matter if you are black or white!

Wherever you are, may you rest in peace... and may your music live on forever

Video Courtesy - Youtube

1 comment:

Anusha said...

Awwww, you mentioned "Cry"! I always used to think it was ironic that one of my favourite MJ songs was "Cry" and that yours was "Smile". :)

I really do think that Michael Jackson was one of those amazing artists who come along every once in a while and change the face of music. His music was legendary and like you said, it will definitely live on in our hearts for a long, long time to come.

RIP, MJ. You truly were one of a kind.