Friday, February 05, 2010

American Life

I have been in the US of A for more than 5 months now. Time to look back and see how I have adapted :P

- I run 3.5 miles everyday in the gym... 3.5 miles, not 5.6 kilometers
- I find 30 degrees Fahrenheit freezing and then realize that its probably because its below 0 degrees celcius
- Didja say your weight is 54kg? That's like 120 lb right? 
- I drive on the right side of the road
- I drive on parkways and park on driveways :P
- Some shops actually have jeans that are my length in the girls section
- I think the Mavericks are totally cool
- I actually know who the Mavericks are!
- I watch One Tree Hill real time on TV every Monday at 7pm instead of catching it later online
- I can catch the live version of the Grammys, Emmys and Screen actors guild awards actually air at 7pm rather than 6am.
- I can fill up the gas tank (not petrol tank!) of a car
- Public transport? What the heck is that? I need a car! :-/
- Walmart is a one stop answer to all of life's needs!
- I now roll my eyes at the corny television ads and wonder how the makers don't feel stupid while filming them (long live Indian commercials!)
- I finally figured out what the heck "Macy's" is
- I postpone my major item shopping (like watches, camera, external hard drive etc) to Thanksgiving
- Totally freaked out with the concept of every car having a cruise control option (no wonder people fall asleep on freeways!) 
- Wanna go hunt a deer for dinner? The local gun store is just around the corner! :-/ :-/ :-S
- I have rebelled against the two "best" wireless companies, AT&T and Verizon, and thanks to that I now have unlimited minutes and texting for just $50! (Otherwise all wireless companies friggin charge for incoming SMS!!! AND incoming call minutes are counted along with outgoing calls!!! WTH!!!! :O :O :O)
- I actually have an opinion on the Dallas Cowboys
- I wish the Cowboys were playing this Sunday

Coz this Sunday night, I am going to do the most "American" thing of my stay here...

Getting together with the gang in front of a big screen with chips, dip, drinks and the works to catch the Superbowl game!!! :D :D :D

Go Saints!!! \o/


Shweta said...

The day 'football' and baseball replace cricket in your world, you shall be turn Amreekan and face universal (Indian) condemnation :P.

And wow, 3.5 miles! That's amazing!

It's great to see you're having such a good time there!

Anusha said...

OMG. Total convert you are! ;)

Dallas Cowboys, Mavericks, Verizon (I'm reminded of Achmed here!), no more online TV, pounds, miles and Fahrenheit? You are totally American, my friend! :D

Now all you have to do is decide whether or not you're a Red Sox fan. I hear that is a quintessential American thing, to have an opinion on the Red Sox!

doublehead said...

Apple pie, Base ball, and Chevrolet, the ABC of american way of life. Way to go girl!! You have already graduated watching the the game of the world, SUPERBOWL 2010. Long live the world champions, New Orleans SAINTS

Vaz said...

"Some shops actually have jeans that are my length in the girls section" -OMG you are a boy !!!

simplime said...

:-| donno wht to say...hate u here :P

BTW why din u mention ur super cool voicemail?